Wykład „Unburied Ancestors: Ethnography of Shame and the Anthropological Imagination from the Margins”

Zapraszamy na wykład gruzińskiej antropolożki, Tamty Khalvashi, gościnne wydarzenie w ramach 5. Festiwalu Kina Gruzińskiego. Wykład odbędzie się on w języku angielskim.
On Monday 10th of June Professor Tamta Khalvashi, the anthropologist from Ilia State University (Georgia) will give a lecture: Unburied Ancestors: Ethnography of Shame and the Anthropological Imagination from the Margins.
Here is the abstract of the talk:
Anthropologists have long studied a complex sense of shame’s possibilities across cultures. However, how this feeling provokes ethnographic imagination and ethical response to venture into exploring marginal communities or histories is less attended to in many studies. This talk is grounded in such registers of shame, stemming from intergenerational silence, enforced forgetting, and enduring forms of ambiguity around the Muslim victims of the Great Terror of 1937-1938, including my own family. Instead of reconstructing the story of Muslim ancestors executed during Soviet atrocities, I concentrate on how this violent past continues to haunt the present, generating enduring forms of obscurity and shivering landscapes of mass graves at the western edges of Georgia in Adjara. Based on family photographs and archives, long-term ethnographic research, as well as autobiographical reflections, the talk will deal with epistemological, affective, methodological, and ethical issues in doing ethnography from the margins. Through the process of examining the abject story of mass atrocities of Muslims, I bring into sharper focus the role of emotion, positionality, and truthfulness in ethnographic work.
See you on Monday at Duży Pokój!
Adress: Warecka 4/6, Warsaw